British Nigerian Actor, Sope Aluko stunned on the red carpet for the worldwide premiere of Sony’s new movie project “Venom” in a yellow number by Abuja based fashion designer, Kathy Anthony. The Wakanda actress, who plays alongside Tom Hardy & Michelle Williams was so excited to be wearing a made in Nigeria dress, she shared a photo of herself with a caption:
The was a hit! It was also pretty special for me as I got to proudly showcase my heritage to the world on 🇳🇬 (catch a glimpse of my 💅😜). Many thanks to my “Super-Hero” Team for putting me together so creatively and stylishly, and making me shine like the ‘African Queen’👸🏽 I felt inside! 💚And by the way Marvel fans, the film was Ahmaazziiiiing!! 👏🏾 I can’t wait for y’all to see it this Friday!. Wait for the 2 endings after the credits!😉. Thank you God! 🙏🏾💜.
Tope paired the thigh-high slit yellow floor length dress which had complimenting Ankara print infused with the design with metallic sandals and a clutch purse. Drop earrings and subtle makeup finished her look.
Styled by:
Source: BellaNaija